You want growth. You want new businesses to locate in your region. You want residents beating down the doors to move to your community.
In today’s information economy, it’s imperative that governments looking to encourage regional growth and development take action to interrupt the information flow, presenting themselves in the new digital public square with their assets front-and-center.
The leadership in Bibb County including the county administrator and county commission partnered with Centreville Tech to brand and position the county online prioritizing ease of access to government information, while also marketing the county and it’s assets to the world. They understood the importance of a well-crafted website and brand for a populace that lives with the internet in their back pocket.
This design prioritizes both access to contact information needed in an emergency, as well as the Bibb Alert system used to provide hazardous weather mobile notifications.
This partnership focused on a few key goals:
In pursuit of these goals, Centreville Tech was hired and provided the following deliverables to the county government:
Left: Old logo. Right: New logo designed by Josiah Jost.